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Sunday, February 27, 2011

From the OSEC blogroll: Getting Pumped About Protecting the CAA

      Egypt. SB5. I see you. I feel restless. When I got the call about a chance to get a message straight to Sherrod Brown, I couldn't dial phone numbers fast enough.

      Mr. Brown is getting ready to go to Washington to vote on proposals that would slash the EPA's budget for the Clean Air Act. He is considered a swing vote - who has previously voted for health care, who impeccably votes for jobs- but needs to hear our voice and vote to protect the Clean Air Act from the very same budget-slashing rampage that threatens the likes of organizations such as AmeriCorps and NPR. If EPA loses their funding for the CAA, they won't have staff to keep tabs on the big polluters.

     Do I even need to mention the benefits of the CAA?

     Enter 1sky, Danny B (Cincy organizer), and OSEC's Ohio Beyond Coal initiative. Cincy is getting organized to drop-in on Sherrod Brown's local office Monday, and plans to roll loud and deep. Originally, a lobby meeting was set for March 3. Since Mr. Brown will likely vote on the proposal before then, we're just gonna drop in early, say hi, and maybe leave some autographs and literature. We'll call the press too.

     Brown has offices across Ohio, and if you're looking for something to do Monday afternoon on your
lunch break; this is my subtle suggestion. If you want to come to Cincy and join us, we'd love to have you.

(I wrote this blog and also posted it to the OSEC website)

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